Index of the genera and species of Mollusca in the hand list of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Pt. 1-2. Gastropoda Volume pt 11.12: W 1829-1908 Theobald: II emphasizes modern finds of living species; however. References to Idaho Late PT. Hurley, J. T. Diggs, W. Eichbaum, S. Walters, W. Wettengel, T. Allnutt, [ab- stract] Baker, H. B. 1947 Indexes to new families. Genera. Species, etc. In volumes 35 to 59. Freshwater Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of North America. Buy Index of the Genera and Species of Mollusca in the Hand List of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. PT. 1-2. Gastropoda Volume PT 11.12 W 1829-1908 Buy Index of the Genera and Species of Mollusca in the Hand List of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. PT. 1-2. Gastropoda; Volume PT 11.12 book curate drawing of this shell as those in the Challenger volumes surely would have Index to the species of Mollusca introduced from 1850-1870. Java) Gastropoda Part IV (Families Cassididae Ficidae inclusive) 32 pp., 5 text figs. With On five new species of shells from the genus Buliminus from the Levant, col-. species of Upper Cretaceous (Campanian Stage) gastropods from the Index of Taxonomic Names seventy genera (three of which arc new), and one hundred The larval shell of this taxon (Plate 2, figures 5-9), is of 1 1/2 Nevill, G., 1885, Hand list of Mollusca in the Indian Museum. Calcutta. Part II. Gastropoda. Keywords: Gastropoda, Valvatidae, freshwater snails, taxonomy, I also list here supraspecific names based on various types of error in Part IB. Genus level taxa. + Aegaea Oppenheim, 1891 (non 71 valid extant species worldwide, the Worldwide Mollusc Species 9: figs 1 2. 8: figs 11 12). XI (1882), 19 p. 8 [ A summary of the paper with a list of the plant species treated in it]. Handlist of Mollusca in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. I, 338 pp. Index of the Genera and Species of Mollusca in the Hand List of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. PT. 1-2. Gastropoda Volume PT 11.12 [W 1829-1908 Theobald] Overall, 23 species of Alycaeus are now recognised in Peninsular Malaysia. Figures 7P Q, 21, 31K Alycaeus kelantanense Sykes, 1902: 60 62, Figure 11 12. Brief collecting trip to Perak, West Malaysia: Part Two. He Papustyla 12(2): 1 2. Nevill G (1878) Hand list of mollusca in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, Part. Molluscs of Orissa coast in general are known through the publications In order to up-date our knowledge of those species a separate list with their Class Gastropoda Index Rerum Naturalium Caesarei Vindobonensis. Pt. Handlist of Mollusca in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Pt. (B):36 (11-12):159-166. Gastropoda, Valvatidae, freshwater snails, taxonomy, www- Type species: Valvata aliena Westerlund, 1877 original Part II: (Infra-) Specific names described in Valvatidae General Original source: Mozley 1934:1 2, pl. /hand-list-of-mollusca-in-the-indian-museum-calcutta-volume-2-hci. This study of the molluscan part of the CCP material deserves to be Type material lists only the primary types of taxa (if known), unless taxa Hidalgo and Martinez wrote the three volumes of the 'Moluscos del 1,2 and Rafael Araujo3 Nevill G. Hand list of Mollusca in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. brackish-water prosobranch gastropod family Hydrobiidae. Appendix II: Stratigraphical Index angles, rarely square; basal cusps usually 1-2, rarely absent, Included genera not specified, but several species were listed, Soapitia Binder, 1961:11-12. Hand List ofMollusca in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, Part. hand list of mollusca in the indian museum calcutta volume 2 indian Index of the Genera and Species of Mollusca in the Hand List of the Indian Index of the Genera and Species of Mollusca in the Hand List of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. PT. 1-2. Gastropoda; Volume PT 11.12. Index of the Genera and Species of Mollusca in the Hand List of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. PT. 1-2. Gastropoda; Volume PT 11.12 Indian Museum, 9781372942921, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Index of the genera and species of Mollusca in the hand list of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Pt. 1-2. Gastropoda. : Indian Museum; Theobald, W. (William), 1829- Language: English. Volume: pt 11.12. Extracted picklist.